Meditating in the New Year
By Randi Morse
With the year coming to a close you may be thinking about all of the things you wanted to accomplish but didn't. One thing that I always say I'm going to try to improve each year is the amount I meditate. Meditation has been proven to calm the body and to reduce stress levels dramatically. Most find that the idea behind meditation is solid but they're unsure how to start. If you're interested in meditating but need a little hand with starting, these tips should help to put you on the enlightened path to meditation.
Find a Teacher
One of the great things about technology is that it's easy to find an expert in almost every field. There are tons of amazing meditation teachers online, including lots of free sources through YouTube. Make sure you read through the comments and do a bit of research on a teacher before you decide to start any meditation program.
Works With You
It's important to find a meditation teacher who has a personality that you enjoy. You're going to be listening to their voice for at least a few minutes, if they have a voice that grates on your nerves you are going to have a much more difficult time meditating. Find a teacher who has a voice that is soothing to you.
Setting Aside Time
Working anything into an established routine can be tricky. When it comes to meditating, I find it's best to start either by doing it first thing in the morning or as the last thing you do at night. Meditation helps relax your body, so relaxing it before you start a busy, stressful day, or calming it after one, is a great idea.
Realistic Expectations
You're not going to become a meditation guru in a few tries, nor are you even likely to become comfortable with meditating quickly. It takes awhile to get used to doing something that is so different than anything you've likely ever done before. Set realistic expectations for yourself. Give yourself a month of trying to meditate daily before you decide that it's not working for you. I always find that once I meditate regularly, my mind, and my body, undergoes much less stress.
Meditating can be an amazing way to help lower the stress in your life, and with the right teacher, and the right attitude, you'll find that it becomes an important part of your daily routine.
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