Three Things You Can Do to Avoid Exercise Pain
By Randi Morse
I am one of those people who had to work very hard to find an exercise that I found enjoyable. For me, I eventually discovered that walking and yoga were two things that I not only enjoyed but that I could reliably do. One thing I learned very quickly was how easy it was to injure myself. I wasn't big on stretching, and more often than not I found myself dealing with pain a day or so after my workouts. After dealing with this frustrating situation for a few months, I eventually sought out resources that would help prevent dealing with pain, especially back pain, after my exercising.
I remember when I was growing up thinking that our gymnastics teacher was making too big of a deal about stretching. What I didn't realize is that the body of a teenager is extremely different than the body of a fully grown adult. While I may not have had to stretch when I was younger, I definitely need to stretch now. Doing a regular stretching routine before I work out has dramatically reduced the amount of pain that I feel following a workout. I found the trick, for me at least, was to stretch during the length of one song. Find a song that has a beat that is soothing but not too low key and stretch your body during that song.
One thing I quickly discovered is that the arches in my feet don't work well with cheap sneakers. I needed to invest in sneakers that were a little more expensive and had better arch support in order to help reduce my workout pain. If you are dealing with pain after your workouts and you stretch and do everything that the experts suggest, the problem might be your footwear. Or you may need some other sort of support of device to help alleviate any excessive amount of tension or pulling in your body.
Regular Chiropractic Care
I also discovered that the best way to keep my back pain free is to have regular chiropractic visits. Chiropractors not only remove restrictions from your spinal vertebrae, they also can help teach you proper posture and exercise techniques to prevent workout pain from occurring.
At The Joint Chiropractic you'll find open office hours, making it easy to see the chiropractor even if you have a busy schedule, as well as affordable rates. With regular chiropractic care, the right athletic devices and proper stretching, you too may find that you actually enjoy exercising.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Annapolis, Md.