How to Cut Back on Flavored Drinks
By Genevieve Cunningham
We’ve all been told of the benefits of drinking water. We know we’re supposed to drink more. We know that we’re likely not drinking enough every day. We know that increasing our H2O intake is crucial for long-term wellness. But … it’s so hard! For many, it’s the lack of flavor that makes water unappealing, and so we stick to sodas, juice, tea, and coffee. While there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to a flavored beverage from time to time, it shouldn’t be your main fluid intake. To get more water into your body and your life, take a look at these tips for cutting back on flavored drinks.
Flavor Your Water
Who says that water has to be bland and boring? There are plenty of powders that add some flavor, some with sugar and some without. If a powder is not your thing, you can also infuse your water with fruit. Adding strawberries, pineapple, lemon, or lime can give your water just the kick you need. This method, when people stick with it, is one of the best ways to get more water and learn to love it all at the same time.
Schedule Your Favorite Drinks
If you really can’t give up that afternoon Coke, try scheduling it into your day. At a certain time of the day, you’re allowed to drink your guilty pleasure. But in exchange, you have to give it up all of the other times of the day. This can be good for those who want or need to take the process slowly. Just stick with it, and soon you won’t need your afternoon pick-me-up either.
Go Cold Turkey
For some people, cold turkey is the only way to go. If you think this method is best for you, throw out all of your sodas, teas, or whatever other drinks you’re trying to give up. Invest in some good water bottles, and indulge on water all day long. While this might be intimidating for many, some people find that it’s the only way to make a habit stick for good.
Not all flavored drinks are the enemy. There are plenty of drinks that are good for your body, and in moderation, even the unhealthy options are OK. But if you’re a little too dependent on that pop of flavor, use these tips to cut back and save your health in the long run.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Woodbury, Minn.