Give Your Back Some Help on Hills
By Tom Herrin
There are many people who live on a landscape that is hilly. It is great for the eyes; that is, the scenery may be quite beautiful. The other side of that is that walking around on those hills, especially if they do it regularly, can place some strain on muscles and the back. For those who do some kind of upkeep, such as mowing or trimming, those hills may seem to get a lot larger as they work. A problem may come in when they need to make multiple trips up and down them. This can create a strain on the muscles that support the spine. When this happens, they can fail to do their job and pain can be the result. If this hilly trek has put a kink in your back, a trip to a chiropractor may have you back to clear sailing in no time.
How Do Hills Affect the Back?
It is not so much the hills, but the work of going up and down them, that may have an effect on the back. When those muscles become strained, a joint dysfunction can occur in which pressure is placed on a nerve. This creates pain. It is not always evident at first but may become worse with time, particularly if it is aggravated. The result may be a nagging pain that allows no rest or reprieve.
Chiropractors Can Provide Relief
When people go to a chiropractor, they are looking for relief from pain. This is often done by gently manipulating the spine so that the injured joint is restored to its optimal position. This can take the pressure off of the nerve and relieve the pain. Since no pain medication is used, there is no chance of side effects or addiction. Recovery and return to regular activities is often faster. The chiropractor may also suggest some exercises that can help to strengthen the muscles that support that area.
Regular Visits May Be the Start of a Healthier Lifestyle
Once people feel the relief that may be provided by a chiropractor, they may want more. At The Joint Chiropractic, they have plans that can make those ideas a reality. No insurance is required, no appointments are necessary. They are open days and evenings, weekdays and weekends at all of their more than 450 locations nationwide. If you have hill, or some other situation, that creates pain in your back, drop in at The Joint Chiropractic today and enjoy life more fully tomorrow.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in St. Louis, Mo.