More Fish May Mean Better Health
By Tom Herrin
Sometimes making a few small changes in the diet can produce big results. Most people know that they need to be aware of ways to fine tune their diets but don't always do so. One of the foods that is generally recognized in relationship with good health is fish. It is often observed that in cultures in which people consume fish on a regular basis, they have fewer of the problems that so many Americans deal with, including heart disease and stroke. Adding fish to the diet can produce some good results. It is certainly worth eating it on a regular basis. It is one of the healthiest ways to include more protein in the diet.
It May Help Fight Depression
For the most part, omega-3 fatty acids that are found in some fish can have a huge impact on health. One of the things they do is increase the effectiveness of antidepressant medication, which is good news for those who take it. It also seems to help people to be happier. Apparently the omega-3 fatty acids play some role in this. It is proven that it can help the grey matter in the brain.
It Is a Good Source of Vitamin D
Vitamin D plays a big part in maintaining health, and a little less than half the population is believed to be deficient in it. Fish is considered by some to be the best source of this important vitamin. Another source of this for many is the sun, but many people simply do not get enough of that to get what they need. Including fish in the diet on a regular basis can be a good way to be certain that there is the right kind of supply. Some fish can provide 100 percent of the amount needed each day. Some of the fish products, such as oils, can provide as much as 200 percent. Those are pretty significant amounts.
It May Help Protect the Eyes
For those of us who are getting older, fish and fish oils can help our eyes. Every year, when I get an eye exam, the doctor always reminds me to take fish oil. I take the supplements, but I also enjoy eating fish right out of a can. My favorites are salmon and sardines. I can open a can and have them with crackers as a snack or a meal. They are quick and easy. Why not try including them in your daily diet?
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