3 Reasons You Should Eat Oatmeal Daily
By Virginia Laird
Oatmeal may not be the most exciting food to include in your diet, but research suggests it may be one of the healthiest. Healthcare providers have long recommended those with heart disease to make oatmeal a staple for breakfast. However, it is not advised to load this dish with a ton of butter and sugar. If you are one who needs flavor, it is recommended to add fruit or purchase pre-flavored oats. With a wide variety of benefits, there is no doubt you should begin giving this a try. A few other reasons you should make oatmeal a part of your diet include:
- Oatmeal lowers cholesterol
- Including oatmeal in your diet stabilizes blood sugar
- Oatmeal can help with weight loss
Oatmeal Lowers Cholesterol
For those who struggle with cholesterol issues, adding oatmeal to your daily routine can help reduce this issue. Research suggests that oatmeal can prevent the build-up of bad cholesterol in the body. This can help reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. If you are one who needs to work on lowering your cholesterol, it may be time to make oatmeal a part of your breakfast each day.
Including Oatmeal in Your Diet Stabilizes Blood Sugar
The process of digestion is where many foods can affect blood sugar. As the body breaks down the various foods you consume, it releases sugars that may be produced by each specific food. Unlike other carbs, oatmeal goes through the digestion process slowly, which reduces the chances of a spike in blood sugar. Research suggests that oatmeal can help stabilize blood sugar because of how the body digests it. Those who are trying to control blood sugar with diet may need to add oatmeal to your daily routine right away.
Oatmeal Can Help with Weight Loss
Are you trying to lose weight? You are not alone. Each year, millions set out on a path to a slimmer body. While it takes much trial and error to identify what may work for you, research suggests that adding oatmeal can be helpful. Oatmeal can make the body feel fuller for a longer amount of time, as the body takes longer to process this food. Consider adding oats to morning meal to help you curb your appetite.
The next time you head out to the grocery store, make sure to add oatmeal to your list and start making it a part of your daily breakfast.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Winston-Salem, N.C.