Should You Try a Digital Detox?
By Stepy Kamei
In this modern day and age, our technological devices are with us virtually everywhere, all the time. For the most part, we consider this much more of a benefit than a problem. We can use our smartphones to catch up with friends, keep up with current events, navigate to a new restaurant or meeting point, and generally stay connected to the outside world. However, behavioral scientists and mental health experts are starting to see the downsides to a world that's so hyper-connected through the use of personal electronic devices. It's unfortunately all too easy to slip from responsible smartphone user to someone who is overly attached to their devices at the expense of their physical and mental well-being. Keep on reading to learn more about the warning signs of smartphone addiction, and whether you can benefit from trying out a digital detox to improve your overall health.
The Dangers of Technology Addiction
We're more connected to our technological devices than ever before. However, this can lead to more than a few issues concerning our well-being. First of all, more and more doctors are noticing their patients are experiencing chronic neck pain and stiffness as a direct result of staring down at their phone screens for too many hours of the day, every day. Furthermore, this over-reliance on cell phones can have a damaging effect on mental well-being. It may actually serve to isolate us from spending face-to-face time with friends and loved ones, depriving us of vital social connections. Furthermore, we may experience increased stress and anxiety from the overwhelming need to constantly check our phones and applications for notifications.
Digital Detoxing the Smart Way
If you're worried that you're a little too dependent on your smartphone or other devices, you may want to consider going on a digital detox. How you go about this depends on your everyday routine and the lifestyle you generally lead. For instance, if you frequently use ride-share apps, it may not be the best idea to completely give up your smartphone for a certain amount of time.
Instead, you might find it beneficial to start the detox on a more gradual and gentle scale. You may want to try muting notifications from certain applications that you use the most frequently, yet you don't rely on to navigate or get to or from work. Or consider setting up times of the day where you aren't allowed to check your phone. That way, you still have access, but you also have times when you must leave it alone, and instead focus on other aspects of your life.
Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional for further tips and tricks on how to improve your relationship with your devices.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Gahanna, Ohio.