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Reasons to Sign up for That Holiday 5K

By Donna Stark

It's starting to happen. You know it only takes that one person in your friend group to start talking something up before everyone gets on board, and that person has definitely been making the rounds today. From one person to the next. You've been watching it all morning long. The whispers, the nods, the laughter, and then finally, the hug or the slap on the back signaling an agreement. And every time someone says yes, you catch yourself cringing because you know what is going to happen next. 

"So, I was thinking it would be fun if we all sign up and do the Jingle Jog 5K race together." There it is. The question you have been dreading, and even though you are silently screaming "No!" in your head, you agree, and you give your excited friend the same nod that everyone else gave, because ... why not? It will be fun, right?

Making the Most Out of Your First 5K

If this is your first 5K, you may still be wondering if you made the right decision to join your friends and enter. Well, stop your wondering and keep reading. Here are some reasons why your decision was a good one and why you should definitely give the 5K a chance.

  • It's fun - Doing something active with a group of friends always turns out to be a great time, you know that, and a 5K is no different! What's even better, is that if you all live close to one another, you can train with each other weeks in advance. So skip those office lunches and happy hours, and do something good for your body instead! Plan some training sessions to increase everyone's endurance and stamina together.
  • It will motivate you - How many excuses have you come up with in the past couple of weeks to skip your workouts? Well, you probably won't find yourself doing that anymore if you have a race to train for, and you definitely won't do that if your friends are waiting for you at the gym! Putting that race on your calendar, scheduling workouts, and setting a goal are all things that will keep you motivated, even on the days you want to skip.
  • It's for a good cause - There is usually a charitable organization or a worthy cause behind each race, and more often than not, they are tied to your local community. So in addition to bonding with your friends, having fun, and getting back into shape, you will also be able to support something good for the community. It's a win-win!

Crossing That Finish Line

Now that you have some pretty great reasons under your belt to run your first 5K, it's time to get started! Good luck with your training, have fun, and give the race everything you've got!

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Newtown Square, Pa.

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