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Is Your Back Pain Worse? It Could Be the Cold

By Sara Butler

There are many things about the coldest months of the year that are exciting. For many people, the cooler weather and the snow are something to look forward. Yet for some, these colder months herald the onset of back pain and other spinal problems. The big question is: Does cold weather really bring on back pain? Here's what the chiropractors at The Joint want you to know.

What We Know

The short answer is that yes, cold weather can be the cause of back pain. That's because cold weather causes the ligaments, tendons, and muscles that work to support the spine to tighten up, placing strain on the structures of the spine and possibly irritating the nerve roots in the spine, resulting in pain. Throw in a drop in barometric pressure and joints that may already be inflamed can get even worse.

On a scientific level, there is some debate about what it is about cold weather that can make back pain worse -- but rest assured there's no question that it does occur.


Aside from cold temperatures having an impact on the structures that support the spine as well as swelling, there are other things that may contribute to back pain.

Exercise is known to help reduce back pain and the chiropractors at The Joint often prescribe exercise as a way to improve spinal as well as overall health. The reality is that during the winter months, the shorter days and the colder weather discourage people from participating in regular exercise.

Taking a break from your regular exercise is not a great idea if you're looking to avoid back pain. Your muscles need exercise to stay strong and avoid injury -- so don't neglect to do exercise even when temperatures are low.

What You Can Do

To avoid back pain or to avoid making existing back pain worse, there are several things you can do to try to help. You should:

  • Stay warm - Dress appropriately when you're going to be outside and keep your home at a comfortable temperature
  • Avoid falls - Take care when outside to avoid falls and invest in appropriate footwear to help you keep proper traction even when it's icy out
  • See the chiropractor - You can help keep back pain at bay by continuing to see your chiropractor at The Joint to help keep your body healthy and assist it in healing

If you want more information about joint pain, then talk to the chiropractors at The Joint today!

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Columbia, S.C.

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