Common Health Conditions Striking New Moms
By Sara Butler
Moms do a lot, especially new moms. That precious bundle of joy that they worked so hard to bring into the world demands a lot of time and energy, but the things new moms do can also bring on unexpected health issues. As a mother adjusts to a new life, her body makes a few adjustments too. These adjustments can lead to discomfort and even pain. That's why new moms need to be aware of common health conditions they can suffer from and understand how the chiropractor can help.
Muscle Strain
You carried that sweet baby in your body for nine whole months and now that they're out you get to carry them some more! While holding your new baby is a sweet experience, it can sure take a toll on your body. Between feeding, changing, rocking, and walking them, you may start to feel the muscles in your neck and shoulders really start to feel tense and strained.
You cannot forget the importance of proper lifting techniques, even when you're lifting something as small as a baby. You should also try to stretch the muscles in your entire body regularly -- a great start to carving out a little time for yourself as you experience the demands of motherhood. It'll be good practice for when your child hits their terrible twos!
Mommy Thumb
There is a condition so common to moms that it has mommy in the title: mommy's thumb. It also is known as mother's wrist or the very technical term "De Quervain's tenosynovitis." This overextension injury to the wrist is experienced by many new moms as a result of frequently picking up their baby and supporting it. The tendons in the wrist become inflamed and movement becomes limited, causing soreness and even pain up the arm.
If you develop this condition and don't get it treated, then it'll become more difficult to treat, often resulting in a cast in order to allow the tendons to heal fully. Wielding a cast with a little baby to care for? Not an ideal situation for any mom!
You can avoid this condition by lifting your child in the correct position. That means you should scoop them up from their bottoms with the palm of your hands facing up instead of lifting them from under their arms. You should also take care to avoid bending your wrist too far and keep your hand, wrist, and forearm in a straight line when cradling your new baby.
If you're a new mom, then you should come into The Joint Chiropractic for an evaluation today.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Columbia, S.C.