Making Your Week Healthy
By Donna Stark
Modifying your lifestyle so you can prioritize and improve your overall health and wellness shouldn't only occur during the first few days of the new year. It is actually something that should be addressed every day you climb out of bed! From what you choose for breakfast to how you commute to work to what you do with your free time, every small decision you make will impact the way you feel. So, why not focus on some new ones today? Take a look at five different ideas you can incorporate into your busy week.
Meatless Mondays
Ditch the meat and consume more plant-based meals. Head to the market and load up on fruit, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. The options of what you can create with those ingredients are endless, but more importantly, are going to be loaded with tons of nutrition! Just remember to eat the rainbow for the most benefit!
Lots of Optimism Tuesdays
Was yesterday a little rougher than you expected? If it was, use today to practice some optimism. Be intentional with your choices and appreciate the things you have rather than letting life overwhelm you and commiserating over what you don't. Your mood will change and so will the moods of everyone around you.
No Stress Wednesdays
If it's the middle of the week and you are starting to realize how much you haven't accomplished yet and how much work you have to do, don't panic! There are plenty of ways to get everything done, but first, you need to manage that stress. Take a walk during lunch or practice some deep breathing exercises. Effective stress management techniques are key to a successful week.
Try Something New Thursdays
Get off the beaten path and try something new with your daily workouts. You can hike different trails, join your friend's fitness class, or walk around the zoo. New experiences and a change of scenery will add some spice to your routine and may even boost your motivation.
Limited Screen Time Fridays
There is no better way to head into the weekend with your loved ones than to take a step back and edit the amount of time you are on your electronic devices. The more time you spend on your phone and computer, the less time you have for those healthy habits and deep connections that keep your life balanced and running smoothly. Set some parameters and turn your electronic devices off at least an hour before bed. You won't regret doing so.
A Great Week
Those healthy changes to your lifestyle shouldn't be reserved for the new year only. Keep them coming, and make good decisions every single day. Your body will thank you for it!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Franklin, Tenn.