Chiropractic Care and Neck Pain
Neck pain is going to be felt at some time or other in every person's life. When it does, it is going to make life miserable. Chiropractors treat many kinds of neck pain problems and help to provide relief through a no drug and no surgery solution.
There are many things that can cause neck pain. Chiropractors can often enable you to get relief if you have problems with whiplash, degenerative joints, disc injuries that do not require surgery, spinal stenosis, and cervical sprain injuries.
When these problems are present, they can cause pain when moving your neck. There may be a tightening of the muscles, muscle fatigue, pinched nerves, and more. Injuries to the neck may also cause sensations elsewhere, such as a tingling or pain in your arm. The sensations may also be caused by moving your neck.
The first thing you can expect when you go to a chiropractor for neck pain is to have some questions asked about how and when the pain started and what might have caused it. Because the nerves go from your brain through your neck to your organs, a pinched nerve can affect your organs. Your posture will also be checked, because things like a shorter leg, or a flat foot can cause neck problems, or aggravate them.
Then, you will most likely get an x-ray. This will enable him or her to look at the cause of the problem, and to determine what treatments will work best. Because chiropractors do not do surgery, any situation where surgery is needed will be referred to other doctors.
A chiropractor will typically make an adjustment to the neck, also called cervical manipulation. This action will usually be performed manually, and it will help realign the joints in the neck. Once that is completed, a patient often notices that they can move their neck without pain, and their range of motion is restored. In some cases, massage may also be applied, and some exercises may be recommended.
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