Simple Solutions to Put Sleeplessness to Rest
By Sandy Schroeder
If you are the 1 in 3 adults getting fewer than seven hours of sleep every night, you may have issues like diabetes, weight gain, or high blood pressure. Or you may simply be undone by changes and demands in your daily life. Whatever the problem, getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night should be a priority for all of us. came up with some things that we can do for better sleep. See what you think of these tips that can help turn things around.
Figure out what is going on - First identify what kind of sleep problems you are having. Do you have trouble falling asleep or do you wake up in the middle of the night with a head full of worries? Are you losing sleep every night, or just when your get off schedule?
Start out with morning light - Get outside for a half hour of morning sunlight every day. Go for a walk before breakfast or do some stretches on your patio. If you can't get outside, consider using a lamp for the extra light. Make this a pattern for every morning.
Block blue light before bedtime - Blue lights from all of our electronic devices tend to keep us awake and alert. Start shutting them down two to four hours before bedtime and remove them from the bedroom.
Make time to unwind - Having a quiet time in the house in the evening can be a good way to relax and let go of the day. Simple cues like soft music, warm baths, or a book and a simple snack may be a comforting sleep ritual.
Watch your diet - Have a simple but healthy dinner that supplies the body with a full measure of nutrients to keep the blood sugar stable through the night.
Work on your worries - If your sleeplessness has increased as you have dealt with family, financial or health issues, do what you can to solve the problems, or take steps to work on changing things. You will probably rest better as you get a grip on the problems.
Blot out the noise - Use an air filter to keep the air fresh and clean and screen outside noise.
Keep the room cool - Try a temperature of 65 to 67 degrees to see if a cool room helps you sleep better.
Get some exercise - A daily walk, run or jog will help to tire you out and use up extra tension. Yoga sessions or other mat stretching sessions help too.
If you are still having problems, see your doctor for a check-up and discuss your sleep issues to see what else might be needed.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Coppell, Tex.