Tackling Fall Yard Work With Chiropractic Guidance
By Brandi Goodman
Once the fall season arrives, it's time to start raking up the leaves and keeping the yard clear of debris. September through November is when the branches start to shed. You may still need to mow your grass from time to time and now have even more duties to accomplish with the leaf pickup and keeping sticks from piling up. Tackle your fall yard work with some chiropractic guidance in mind so you can get through the job without back pain.
Use Cordless Tools
Weed whacking and leaf blowing may be necessary, but they don't have to take forever. Use cordless tools for these job tasks so you can get them done faster. This means less time for back pain to set in. Make sure you're switching hands often so all weight is not placed on one side of the body and causing discomfort.
Get a Garden Cart
Garden carts provide plenty of space for you to hold things. They work well when needing to pick up and transport piles of leaves from one spot of the yard to the road. Even though leaves don't usually weigh much, they can have added weight due to wetness. Be sure to bend at the knees and stand up carefully when lifting your piles and putting them into the cart.
Choose the Proper Footwear
You might think it's a good idea to throw on an old pair of tennis shoes to tackle your yard work. They may seem good for the job since they're already beat up and worn but shoes like these really shouldn't be used. They'll be too worn and uncomfortable to keep your feet safe. A new pair of shoes should be purchased each year that you can do your yard work in. They'll keep your feet comfortable so feet, leg, and then back pain doesn't set in because of them.
Space Out Your Tasks
Too many people attempt to complete all of their yard work at once. It may seem easier to get everything done in a few hours, but this can be hard on your body. It's better to space out your tasks, crossing one thing off your list at a time. You need to take a break at the very least if you hope to prevent pain and fatigue.
Fall often requires much more lawn care and upkeep than other seasons. Don't hurt your back this season tackling all of the yard care duties you need to accomplish. If you do end up feeling sore, visit The Joint Chiropractic for an assessment. Their walk-in hours ensure you can be seen on your schedule.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Fort Worth, Tex.