How to Maximize Your Willpower
>Willpower isn't always easy to come by. Personally, if somebody were to set down a box of donuts (most specifically the kind with rainbow sprinkles) in front of me, I would have a very difficult time turning them away. And the strange part is that it's not even because I'm terribly fond of donuts... In fact, they're always just a bit sub par, in my opinion. However, something in my brain tells me that, at that very moment, there is nothing in this world that I want more than one of those fried pieces of sugar-smothered dough. So where did my willpower go? There are ways, thankfully, to find it when you need it. Here are a few tips for mustering up some extra willpower when you need it most:
#1: Take a few moments to meditate on it.
When you're experiencing a moment of bleak self-control, stop for a moment and just concentrate on taking deep breaths. And then, take the time to really focus on what you're faced with and what you would ideally like the outcome to be. Why am I considering skipping the gym and grabbing greasy take-out, instead? Do I genuinely want to eat that burger and fries, or am I using it as a temporary fix? Which will make me feel better tomorrow? Generally, honest reflection can lead to good decisions.
#2: Get the hardest stuff out of the way, first.
It's Friday. You have made plans to get out of town for the weekend and, as per usual, your mind is already focused on mojitos by the pool as opposed to the long to-do list sitting on your desk. Your willpower to knock these tasks out of the way is slowly waning, as the minutes tick by. Experts agree that it's best to tackle the most tedious projects first, as willpower is a limited resource. That way, when the last hour of the day rolls around, you'll be practically ready for relaxation.
#3: Let yourself indulge once in a while.
If you are constantly telling yourself "no", eventually your life is going to get a bit tedious and your willpower is going to be something that you end up resenting. Instead of always denying yourself the things that you crave, let yourself give in to temptation from time to time. Afterall, that donut is going to taste a lot better without the extra serving of guilt.