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New Mom or Dad? Protect Your Back With Chiropractic Care

So, you’re a new parent. You are probably a mixture of ecstatic, terrified, sleep deprived, and everything in between. You probably have loads of advice coming your way, and in time, you’ll see that a lot of it is useful. One piece of advice that seems to go without mention, but should really be at the top of the list is to take care of your own health. With this new little person to worry about, it’s easy to skip your own needs. Your back, in particular, takes a lot of heat with the new arrival, and it’s your back that needs a little tender love and care to keep you healthy and strong. Check out these tips for taking care of your back now and as your child grows.

Get Some Sleep

This is probably going to be really hard to do for a while, but try to get some rest. When you don’t get enough sleep, all of the muscles in your body get tired. When this happens, your lower back is the area that generally picks up the slack, doing more work than usual and definitely more than its fair share. This ultimately leads to pain and sometimes long term injury.

Lift With Your Legs

I know this advice is usually reserved for lifting heavy objects like appliances, boxes, and furniture, but trust me….that tiny baby is going to get heavy really fast. To protect your back long term, go ahead and practice the art of lifting properly. Try not to stoop over at the waist, and instead, bend at the knees. This is especially true for things like changing diapers. Try to use a surface that prevents you from staying in a bent position. While it may not seem like a big deal now, this one little tip will be a life saver in about 6 months.

Chiropractic Care

Raising a child is tough work, so make it easier by getting regular chiropractic care. Seeing a chiropractor on a consistent basis can help you keep your back in its natural and proper alignment. A chiropractor may be able to use spinal manipulation to align the vertebrae of your spine. It is the misalignments of these vertebrae that cause pain and problems for many people, so getting these adjusted regularly can help keep you in better shape overall.

To get the care you need so that you can give your child the care they deserve, walk into The Joint...the Chiropractic Place at anytime. Walk-in appointments make it easier than ever, so you can go whenever your little one gives you the opportunity. Affordable pricing also makes it easier than ever to make that dollar stretch while still getting the help you need to keep yourself healthy. A chiropractor at The Joint may be able to align your spine and help you stay healthy now and in the future.

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