Tips for Improving Your Mental Health
By Randi Morse
There are a number of people who find relief in regularly seeing a therapist, but a therapist visit usually only lasts one hour per week. That's why it's important to learn techniques and skills that you can use to help boost your mental health when you're struggling.
Writing It Down
Have you ever found that you feel a great deal better after you vent to a friend? Venting helps you to release your frustrations, but there is only so much we want to vent to those we're close to, and there may be things we're not comfortable talking about. That's why writing everything down is a great idea. Taking five minutes a day to write down what you're thinking, even if you've had a great day, can be a great way to help keep track of your moods and any behavior changes. It is also a way that you can work through your thoughts, without having to worry that someone is going to judge you for what you say.
Plan a Walk
One of the difficult things about feeling down is that you don't want to move, but moving can help to boost your mood. Try to plan on having regular daily walks. These don't need to be power walks; instead try having soothing, relaxing walks. This allows your mind to de-stress and gives you a chance to, quite literally, breathe.
Positive Things
Getting into a negative frame of mind can be very destructive, but it's also hard to escape from. If you're finding that most of your thoughts are negatives, try to break that cycle by thinking of two or three positive things in your life. Maybe you have a person who loves you and supports you, or maybe you pushed through your sadness and finished a day at work. Find two or three things that make you happy or you're thankful for to help break that cycle of negative thoughts.
Self-Care Kit
Everyone has something that makes them feel better when they're down and if you create a self-care kit you'll be prepared when you're having a rough day. Maybe you feel better if you go for a run, which would mean you should put running clothes and a water bottle in your kit, or maybe you relax more when you take a long bath or watch funny YouTube clips. Make a self-care kit and store it in a regular spot so you can easily find it when you're having a rough day.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in New Braunfels, Tex.