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The World's Best Brain Food

Around the country, the end of the school year is quickly approaching and that means it’s test time!  So, what better time to learn about what foods might help to boost your brain power?  Here are few foods you should introduce into your diet that may help to give that gray matter a boost.

Oily Fish

Salmon, mackerel, herrings and sardines are rich in Omega 3’s, and Omega 3’s are essential in the development and maintenance of brain tissue.  Experts recommend two portions of oily fish a week as part of your balanced diet.  It doesn’t matter if it comes from a can or is fresh off the boat, you will get the full benefits from both.  So, eat up some salmon while you study for that sociology final!


Do you need an excuse to eat blueberries? Well, in case you do you should know that blueberries are high in antioxidants and a great source of vitamin C.  They have even been shown in some studies to help protect your brain against short term memory loss (hello finals!). They can also help your coordination and balance, so you won’t fall down on your way down the stairs in that huge 300 person lecture hall where they give your calculus final.

Pumpkin Seeds

Give it up for the Omega 3’s, because pumpkin seeds are another excellent source of them.  They are also a great source of zinc.  Not to mention they’re the perfect fish substitute for any vegetarians out there who don’t wish to partake of fishy friends.  Incorporating pumpkin seeds into your diet can help maintain the part of the brain that keeps sensory function, well, functioning.


This green little goddess may be avoided because of the high fat and cholesterol content, but have no fear!  The fat in avocado is the good kind, plus it may help to facilitate the blood flow to the brain.  That will help to keep your mind alert and focused as you finish that paper for your elective entitled “The Historical Significance of Lint Collecting”.  


Oh yes, chocolate.  The Queen of the brain foods, good quality dark or milk chocolate is the way to go.  Choose chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa solids because a couple squares of this dark deliciousness will help provide memory improving antioxidants and improve motor function and reaction times.  So have a little chocolate to get you through that physcial education requirement!

All school fun aside, these foods are good for anyone to eat in order to keep your brain healthy as it ages.  So, eat up and practice that soduku to keep your brain sharp!

Used under Creative Commons Licensing courtesy of Jon Fingas

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