Simple Lifestyle Habits To Reduce Work-Related Back Pain
Have you ever come back home after a long day, or week, of work at the office, looking forward to a quiet night of rest and relaxation, only to be faced with a bout of upper or lower back pain as soon as you walk through the door to your home or apartment? Believe me, this scenario is more common than any of us would like to admit, so don't feel bad at all if you find that you can relate to this even on an occasional basis.
Back pain is one of the leading causes of visits to the doctor's office in the nation today, and many people cite back pain as a reason for calling in sick to work whenever the need to do so arises. Fortunately, none of us have to simply stand around and wait for back pain to strike. There are ways to improve this condition, not to mention even prevent it from happening at all so that you can really get on with your day and be productive and free of pain.
I learned about some pretty helpful and surprisingly easy and simple tips and tricks on how to avoid back pain to occur at the workplace after coming across an article by Care 2 on the subject. Here is a little bit more about what I learned from the post.
First of all, you will want to make sure that your work station is ergonomically supporting you in the optimal position. Makesure your chair is providing you with lumbar support, and that your feet can both touch the floor with ease. Your eyes should be level with any computer screen or monitor that you may have to look at for an extended period of time. Taking breaks is another great way to keep your body from getting too tense or too vulnerable to back pain, soreness, or stiffness. Be sure to get up from your desk and walk around often enough that your body is getting stretched out regularly.
Finally, be sure to consider seeing a doctor of chiropractic on a regular basis. Chiropractic adjustments and treatment sessions have been scientifically proven to reduce instances of back pain in people of all ages and medical health conditions. What's more is that chiropractic care works to improve and strengthen the entire body, so that it is much less vulnerable to instances of back pain in the future.