Avoid These Common Breakfast Foods
By Stepy Kamei
Any nutritionist can tell you how important it is to make sure you eat breakfast each morning. After all, starting your day off with a nutritious meal is the perfect way to provide your body with the fuel it needs in order to stay active and productive throughout the day. However, consuming breakfast items that are unhealthy or offer virtually no nutritional value can ultimately damage your health, especially if this is a habit you undertake on a regular basis. When building out your morning meals, it's vital for the sake of your nutritional health to know which foods to include, but also which foods you really should leave off of the grocery list. Keep on reading here to learn more about which common breakfast foods you really should be avoiding.
Breakfast cereals come in a wide variety of flavors, and they're a staple in many American homes. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them are loaded with sugar and stripped of any real nutritional content. Check the ingredients list on your favorite cereal -- sugar is probably one of the first three ingredients, which means you really are better off picking a different food.
White Toast With Butter
White bread is another food which is pretty much completely devoid of any real nutrients, as it's been processed so much. Slathering it with butter only serves to introduce more unhealthy saturated fats into your arteries.
Fruit juice
Yes, even your morning beverage is important to scrutinize. Unfortunately, most fruit juices are often an unhealthy mix of a small amount of actual juice from fruit, combined with loads of sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. This can cause your blood sugar levels to spike suddenly, before crashing just as fast. Ultimately, this isn't great for your energy levels.
Non-Fat Yogurt
Yogurt without the fat sounds like a healthy indulgence. Unfortunately, fat-free foods are usually pumped with sugar and additives in order to make up for the lack of taste that comes with removing fat from a food. Not only is it full of artificial sweeteners, but it also lacks the (healthy) kind of fat needed to help you feel full.
Packaged, Pre-Made Foods
A good rule to go by is to do your best to avoid any foods which are already made, or in a package. These foods are loaded with sugar, preservatives, and other additives in order to keep their shelf life long. However, this process comes at a cost to preserving any valuable nutrients and minerals.
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