Healthy Foods Keeping You Awake
By Sara Butler
Sleep can be elusive for many people for a variety of reasons. It might be that you're exercising too close to bedtime, drinking too much caffeine in the afternoon, or you're eating a certain food before bedtime that is making dreamland elusive. Surprisingly, the foods you eat that keep you up don't have to be a plate of spicy nachos or a greasy plate of French fries. Sometimes it's healthy foods that can make for a sleepless night. Here are a few healthy foods that may make finding sleep difficult if you eat them too close to bedtime.
A serving of cheese isn't actually that much. A slice to go on a sandwich or a few cheese cubes are what you should eat at one time, but people tend not to stop there. Because cheese is so high in saturated fat it is difficult for your body to digest. Eating too close to bedtime means that your stomach is working hard to digest food as you're laying down, putting you at risk for heartburn. Do yourself a favor and limit evening cheese because that heartburn won't make it easy to find sleep!
Matcha-Infused Foods
Matcha is making a big splash in the world of healthy foods. You can find it in drinks and snacks where it touted as a boon to your health. But there is a drawback. Matcha can have a lot of sugar, almost 30 grams per serving, and the subsequent spike in blood sugar caused by eating matcha can wake you up in the night feeling hungry.
Also, avoid any beverages such as green tea that are made with matcha in the hours before bed. While it may not have a ton of caffeine, it's still there and can impact your ability to sleep. If you're looking for something green-hued to munch on before bed, reach for pistachios instead!
Cold Cuts
It may seem like a good idea to reach for some turkey or ham and make yourself a sandwich in the evening but think again. These foods have a high sodium content, which leaves you feeling bloated and retaining water that can make you feel very uncomfortable at bedtime.
If you really want a snack before bed, then try something low in sodium such as natural peanut butter. A tablespoon with an apple is the perfect way to deal with evening munchies that won't disturb your sleep.
Questions about nutrition? The chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic are a great resource.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Fairfax, Va.