How to Survive Sick Days With Your Kids
By Donna Stark
Whether it's a simple virus going through your home or something a little more serious, taking care of your sick children can be stressful because, unfortunately, you can't always make things better with just the snap of your fingers. But that doesn't mean your hands are tied! There are several things you can do to bring comfort and speedy healing to those who are feeling under the weather. Take a look at the following suggestions from your local chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic.
Keep Them Hydrated
It is extremely important to keep your sick children as hydrated as possible. Dehydration can occur very quickly and can easily make matters worse. Even if your children say they aren't thirsty or hungry, try to encourage them to take a few sips of water every 10 minutes or so. Water, beverages with electrolytes, ice cubes, and clear broths are really good options to choose from.
Let Them Rest
Rest is one of the best things a child can do when sick, so let yours hunker down and keep them in bed. Since they will be more inclined to rest their bodies if they aren't bored, keep them entertained with books, TV shows, coloring supplies, and electronic devices. But be sure to set some limits for their entertainment so they will be encouraged to sleep the rest of the time.
Watch for Red Flags
Keep an eye on how your children are feeling and if their symptoms are getting worse. If you need to, log their symptoms on a piece of paper to make it easier to remember. Stay in contact with their primary care doctor if necessary and take them in for a visit if the symptoms become worse. It's also important to remember to trust your gut instinct if something doesn't appear to be OK.
Stress the Importance of Good Hygiene
Nobody likes to be sick, so protect those in your home who aren't by stressing the importance of good hygiene to those who are. Remind them to keep a safe distance, use tissues, wash their hands, and sneeze or cough into their elbows.
Surviving Those Sick Days
Although there may be some tough days ahead, it's important to remember that things will turn around. Just don't forget to take care of yourself in the process too. Eat right, take breaks, get your sleep, and ask for help if you need it. You got this, and your children are awfully lucky they have you for a caretaker!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Renton, Wash.