Happy Spine, Happy Life!
By KayLee Chie Kuehl
A healthy spine is a happy spine! The well-being of our spines is essential for overall body productivity. Remember, it is the gateway between the mind and body. Strong spines help prevent injuries to the neck and back, ensuring we have total mobility. If we didn't have a spine, we wouldn't be able to move!
Things essential to overall health, such as proper nutrition and exercise, are normally easy ways to keep our spines smiling. But if you live a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, incorporating activity into your schedule can be very difficult. Spinal health is then compromised, leading to possible chronic and back pain.
Keep Water Handy!
One of the first steps to avoid back pain in a majorly sedentary lifestyle is to remain hydrated. A proper glass of water works wonders on the body. Water is how our joints stay soft and fluid. When the body is hydrated the spine is flexible, preventing pain caused from disk shrinkage. Keeping a large water bottle next to you throughout the day, one that doesn't need to be refilled consistently, is a great step towards reaching proper water intake.
Stay Rested and Away from the Phone!
The same can be said for adequate rest. As we sleep, the body heals itself. If you're not getting enough rest, these repairs cannot be made. So for at least 10 minutes before bed, stay away from your phone! Not only is it a primary culprit for anxiety, it keeps us up at night long after we've locked our screens. And if you're already experiencing back pain, a good trick is to keep a pillow under your knees at night. This keeps the hips balanced during the tossing and turning, relieving the pressure on the lower back.
Stretch, Stretch, Stretch!
Another minor adjustment is to set an alarm every hour or so to stretch. Stretching in general is also a primary way to keep our spines healthy. You don't have to do yoga in order to stretch properly either. Even a few little movements like toe-touching, shoulder rolling, and trunk twists can prevent physical stiffness. So walk around, crack your knuckles, get the blood flowing. We all know what happens if we sit too long during the day!
Spoil Your Spine!
Massages and chiropractic treatments help keep a smile on our spine. This is a sweet treat for our spines, much like rewarding yourself with a piece of chocolate! Because every now and again, our spines need some spoiling too.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Buckeye, Ariz.