6 Tips for a Less Stressful Move
By Kate Gardner
Not long ago, I packed up my family (three kids, four cats, one dog, and a husband) and moved 500 miles from the place I'd called home for most of my life. There were a billion reasons it was a good choice, but just because something is a good choice doesn't mean it's easy. It was a big move and it came with big changes. Fortunately, there are things we can all do to take some of the anxiety out of moving.
The Move
The most obvious source of stress when you move is the move itself; packing up all your stuff, cramming it into a truck, and unpacking it somewhere else. Moving.com brings us a list of tips to make moving less chaotic.
Time - Give yourself plenty of time for each step of the process. Get a jump-start on packing by identifying things you aren't likely to use before the move, like holiday decorations, special kitchen implements, and toys (not your kids' favorites, of course!). This is also a great time to weed out things you don't need anymore to donate them before the move.
Organization - If you love to make lists, this is your time to shine. A master list of all your different moving tasks with due dates will help keep you on track. Up your organization game and include all the contact information for people you may need to get hold of, such as utilities.
Help - Hiring movers certainly makes moving easier, but if you can't afford the luxury, now is the time to ask for help from family and friends. Extra pairs of hands to carry boxes can make moving day go so much quicker.
Once You're There
As the dust settles, you're faced with starting your life in a new place, often without the support network of friends, family, and familiar places you used to have. On ExperienceLife.com, psychologist Elizabeth Stirling, PhD, offers advice on handling the anxiety which can come with big moves.
Routine - Setting up routines in your new place can bring comfort and calm to the chaos of moving. Stirling suggests activities, like taking walks in your neighborhood, can help you become more familiar with the area. It also gives you the opportunity to meet your neighbors!
New experiences - When you make a big move, lots of things will be new. Instead of feeling bad about it, choose to embrace the newness! Seeking out new experiences helps you enjoy your new home.
Hang pictures on the wall - As soon as you move into your new place, put up some pictures. They will make you feel more at home and remind you of the people you love.
It can be hard to establish yourself in a new place, but with these tips, you're ahead of the game.
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