Stop Getting Stressed From Politics
By Randi Morse
Every four years the American people have the privilege to vote in a presidential election. It can be difficult to remember that voting for the President of the United States is a privilege, especially in today's hostile political climate. I often feel like I can't escape politics, that no matter how much I try to stay away from political debates or discourse, it always seems to find me. This isn't necessarily a good thing. While it can be very good to be informed about the current status of politics in the United States, it can also raise your stress level -- which can put your mental and physical health at risk. If you are getting frustrated and stressed out over politics, here are a few ways to take a step back from the political arena for a while.
Social Media
It's extremely common for us to get our news and information via social media. Social media is easily accessible and easily searchable. One of the big problems of social media is that it's hard to escape from. If you have even dipped a toe in the social media waters you will find that you cannot avoid them. If you are trying to take a break from politics, you should take a break from social media. If you don't want to completely delete your profile, turn off the notifications for all of your social media apps. This will give you the chance to access those apps if you want but you won't be actively getting notifications when people post. If you can't stay away from social media, delete the apps from your phone for a while. Consider it a social media detox. You'll not only be able to take a step away from politics, you may also find that your stress level goes down simply avoiding social media.
Agree to Disagree
It was hard for me to realize that I had good friends who saw things very differently than I did. I originally believed that if I gave them the right facts and arguments, I could get them to change their minds. It's important to realize that for the sake of friendship, and your mental health, you need to learn how to agree to disagree. People feel strongly about their political opinions, and once those opinions have been formed it can be extremely difficult to change them. Make an agreement with your friend to avoid political discussions in focus instead on enjoying the time you spend together.
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