6 Surprising Benefits of Strawberries
By Brandi Goodman
Strawberry Month takes place in May and for good reason. This fruit has many surprising benefits that make it worthwhile to enjoy. You can eat strawberries plain, dip them in dark chocolate, or add them to a slew of recipes to get these health benefits.
Weight Loss
If you're looking to lose weight, add strawberries to your snack list. An entire cup of strawberries is only 50 calories. They taste great plain or can be diced up and added to another dish for a sweeter meal.
Fighting Disease
Strawberries contain lots of Vitamin C and other nutrients helpful for fighting disease. The antioxidants found in this fruit can reduce your risk for certain cancers, boost your immune system, and prevent illness. Add a bit of dark chocolate to the mix and you have a disease-fighting snack more than worth eating.
Improved Digestion
Fiber is necessary for proper digestion. One cup of these berries provides 3 grams of fiber. If you're looking to improve the function of your digestive tract, then consuming more strawberries regularly can help. All you need is one serving of strawberries per day to see results.
Lowering Cholesterol Levels
High levels of bad cholesterol can take a toll on the heart. Eat more strawberries to lower these levels and keep your heart beating efficiently. They have similar compounds to blueberries that work to keep the arteries wide and prevent them from narrowing. This can prevent plaque from building up and causing a problem.
Preventing Vision Defects
Defects of the eyes, dryness, and macular degeneration can all be prevented with the help of berry consumption. Strawberries contain Vitamin C and other antioxidants that work to protect the eyes and keep them healthy. They can also prevent swelling of the eyes and soothe eye pain.
Boosted Mood
Experience better mood by eating strawberries regularly. These berries contain essential vitamins that prevent damage to the brain. This helps to keep the mind strong, healthy, and happy. Add sesame seeds, salmon, nuts, grapes, and avocados to your diet and you'll experience an even bigger mood boost.
Start eating more strawberries during Strawberry Month and continue to enjoy them every month after. They work well as a standalone snack or can be added to other healthy meal options for a unique take on classic dishes. Your health will be better for it.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Gilbert, Ariz.