Chiropractic Tips for Participating in a Parade
By Brandi Goodman
Christmas parades are popular during the holiday season but there are lots of other parades held throughout the other months of the year as well. No matter when you plan on participating, keeping some chiropractic tips in mind can help you make the most of it. You don't want to end up sore while trying to experience a fun event.
Choose the Right Footwear
Whether you plan on walking the parade route or you'll be able to stand on a float, you'll still need the proper footwear. The wrong pair of shoes can cause a lot of pain in your feet and legs. This can eventually lead to pain in your back. You'll need comfortable shoes that are supportive with good soles that help to absorb some of the shock of the hard surface on your joints.
You may be required to wear certain shoes depending on the parade you're in, such as costume pieces for a character you're dressing as. These may not be the most comfortable options, so do what you can to make them more so. Add insoles inside, for example
Bring a Water Bottle
You'll want to keep yourself hydrated while in a parade. This is especially important if you're walking in it. Bring a water bottle that you can drink from when needed. Hydrated joints will maintain their flexibility better and be able to handle the task with less risk of injury.
Start With a Warm-Up
A warm-up is necessary before you start. You need to stretch your body so it's properly prepared for the work it's about to do. Simply walking with a parade concession may seem like an easy task but it can actually be quite grueling for the body if it's long-winded. Many parades take at least a couple hours to get through. Warming up your body beforehand will help you make it through without your muscles aching before you've barely begun.
Stop at the Chiropractor's First
You may want to stop in at the chiropractor's office first before you're set to join the parade route. Any joint restrictions or subluxations should be removed so you have your full range of motion and better flexibility to make it through the full event. If your parade is due to start early in the morning before the office is open then go the evening before. The Joint Chiropractic offers extended weeknight hours that you can take advantage of for occasions like these.
Enjoy your time in your next parade by keeping some chiropractic tips in mind. You'll be more likely to make it through the event without your back and legs hurting if you do. If you still experience discomfort after you've participated in a parade then visit The Joint Chiropractic for an assessment.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Peoria, Ariz.