Age Well, Live Longer With Chiropractic
By Brandi Goodman
There's a reason the retirement period is known as the golden years. Men and women who have retired from work are now in a fun time of life where they get to enjoy the activities they love without worrying about heading to a job day in and day out. However, this doesn't mean aging doesn't come with its downfalls. People living out their golden years may also be finding it difficult to move around as well as they once did. Muscles and joints become weaker. Mobility decreases. A slew of other health problems start to arise. Aging well can be possible, however, with the help of chiropractic.
Fall Prevention
Falls are a common concern of the older community. A weakened body and decreased mobility can make it difficult to get around without tripping or slipping. Fall prevention is one of the No. 1 priorities of chiropractors working with geriatric patients. Your doctor will adjust your body to keep restrictions from interfering with your joint health as well as guide you on prevention methods you can try at home to keep yourself upright.
Nutritional Counseling
Chiropractors sometimes offer nutritional counseling. They instruct their patients on some of the best foods for the body that can help to keep bones strong and the immune system thriving. Drinking plenty of water each day is a step in the right direction. All bodily systems require water to keep them working efficiently. The joints need water as well to stay flexible and prevent injury. Eating healthy foods, including whole grains, vegetables, and fruits is also important. It's wise to follow your chiropractor's instructions and consume the foods that keep your body in good health.
Reducing Pain
Many older adults start to report feelings of pain. Whether they wake up with an aching back or experience joint pain as they attempt to engage in certain activities, living with daily pain is not ideal. Pain medications can help mask symptoms, but they do not treat the problem. A chiropractic adjustment can help to reduce pain at the site and lessen symptoms over time without the need for daily doses of pills.
Once you reach the age of 65, you are considered in the retirement phase of life. From this age on, it is more important than ever to receive routine chiropractic care that can help keep the body healthy and strong. Head into The Joint Chiropractic to discover how often your doctor advises you to come in for an adjustment.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Phoenix, Ariz.