Your Chiropractic Guide to Christmas Vacation
By Brandi Goodman
Lots of people plan their vacation time around the school system and its Christmas break. Many schools offer two full weeks off for kids, thereby making this a great time to get away and enjoy the holidays in a new setting. Some set out for a true vacation away from it all at a faraway destination and others spend their time with family. Follow a chiropractic guide to Christmas vacation to make the most of your getaway.
Stay on Top of Exercise
You may find yourself busy over the holiday break. It can seem impossible to get everything checked off your to-do list while also maintaining an exercise routine. Do your best to stay on top of exercise so you can keep up with your well-being. A little exercise each day can go a long way toward maintaining your mental and physical health. It will also help to keep your joints strong so they do not become as stiff and sore while you're traveling.
Carry Your Tree Carefully
Those who get a real tree for Christmas often wait until the final weeks beforehand. If you're one of those who get your tree over Christmas vacation, then be sure you're being careful as you carry it back to your car and then again inside your home. Make sure there's someone there to help so you aren't handling the full weight of the tree alone. Lift with your legs and don't bend or twist your back in the process of trying to lift it since this can do serious damage.
Choose Nutrition
Even your chiropractor will tell you that nutrition is important whether it's Christmastime or not. It's fine to indulge on one of your favorite desserts but you should really be keeping your calories in mind. Don't overeat and be sure to choose as many fruits and veggies for your plate as you can. Take small scoops of other fattening foods and just have a few bites to satisfy your cravings.
See a Chiropractor Before and After
Both before your Christmas vacation and after you should visit a chiropractor. Stopping in at The Joint Chiropractic before you travel anywhere can help to relieve tension you've already been feeling. You may get some helpful advice on traveling and nutrition as well. Stopping in after you've arrived home can help you to unwind from your time away and be prepared to get back into the swing of things for the new year.
Aches and pains are easy to come by when you're traveling so be sure to consider some chiropractic tips to reduce your chances of discomfort. Keeping a few tips in mind can help ensure you experience a joyful vacation away that is pain-free.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Phoenix, Ariz.