Get Involved and Stay Healthy
By Tom Herrin
For those interested in preserving their health on a regular basis, there are many ways to accomplish this. Many simply think in terms of exercising regularly. This may be in a group setting, such as a class, or it may be something done individually. For some, the thought of this is more than a little mundane. They imagine sweating and huffing as they watch the minutes wear away. A better option for many is to get involved in some kind of lifetime sport. In recent years, they have been included in many of the physical education programs of schools for good reason. It is often much easier to get excited about some kind of competition.
Determine If You Have Limits
Before you jump into some kind of activity, it is critical that you know if you are fit for it. In other words, do you have old injuries that may haunt you, or is there some part of your body that tends to suffer from too much use? Many times we forget we have some issues because we haven't tested that part recently. Once we begin activity, we suddenly remember, and it can be discouraging. Doing a good self-check can possibly help avoid this.
Decide What Level of Activity Is Best for You
How much exercise any of us needs will obviously vary by individual. As for a general guide, it is often recommended that we strive for 30 minutes of physical activity per day at least five days per week. This provides for a break from the routine at least once per week as well. Many times, the break is as important a part of the routine as the exercise. It all goes together to make a complete program. A little planning ahead can help make this work best.
There Is a Lifetime Sport for Everyone
Believe it or not, we all enjoy some kind of sport, even if we don't call it that. At times, simple competition is all it takes for us to get motivated, and this competition may not need to have winners and losers. It may simply be a competition within ourselves as compared to some standard or goal. I enjoy bowling, and I may actually bowl a game alone to see if I can beat my own score. I often do the same when riding a bicycle. I try to set myself a goal and see if I can master it and improve. There are also plenty of organized leagues for all kinds of lifetime sports. If you want something more aggressive, there are plenty of softball, volleyball, and soccer leagues along with a few other kinds
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Scottsdale, Ariz.