3 Ways to Ignite a Fire for Fitness
By Genevieve Cunningham
Half of the battle in getting fit is learning to love -- or even like -- exercise and fitness. Not everyone likes to move naturally, especially if that movement means regular trips to the gym. But if you're not the biggest fitness fan, all hope is not lost. It's completely possible to ignite a fire for health and fitness. If you're ready to turn your health around, take a look at these ways to intrinsically motivate yourself starting now.
Find Motivation
You need a goal. You need to have a body image, a goal weight, or something that you really want as an end goal. If you don't have any ways in which you want to improve, you simply won't feel the need to make changes. The key is to find the right goal. Look to fitness inspiration. Find the perfect outfit for an outing or date or a get-together of some sort. Once you find something that really speaks to you, create a visual representation, put it somewhere you can regularly see it, and let it inspire you every day.
Find the Fun
Fitness does not have to be a drag. It can be fun, but you have to find the fun. If you hate running, don't make a running plan. If you hate yoga, don't join a class. Instead, find something that looks appealing to you. If you enjoy fast movement, consider a fast aerobics class or kickboxing. If you enjoy slow and easy on the body, consider walking. You won't stick with something that you hate, so don't try. Find the fun, and stick with that.
Head to the Doctor
Sometimes the best motivation comes from a trip to the doctor's office. Go for a prevention visit. Let them take your blood and test the important things -- cholesterol, blood sugar, etc. If these aren't as good as they should be, you'll have proof that change needs to happen. And having this medical proof in front of you may be enough to get your rear in gear.
You don't have to love everything about fitness in order to make it work for you. You just have to find the personal motivation and desire to change and get better! Use these tips to help you find it, and you may be able to finally change your body and get in the best health and shape of your life.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Anaheim, Calif.