Chiropractic Care May Help You Age Better
By Paul Rothbart
No one yet has found a way to stop aging. Time marches on and people get old. It does have its positives. Over time you accumulate experience which can become wisdom to share with the younger people in your life. The longer you've lived, the more adventures you've had and people you've met. The downside is an aging body and mind. Both tend to slow down and it can become harder to do things that you enjoy. You can't stop aging but you can help slow it down. Seeing a chiropractor regularly can help.
Effects of Aging
Becoming a senior citizen often increases all those aches and pains life can throw at you. A stiff and sore back and joints are common. Flexibility may diminish and even something as simple as climbing a flight of stairs can become an ordeal. Even getting out of bed may take a concerted effort. It's not just physical. Cognitive function may also slow and your memory may not be as good as it once was. It can be scary and depressing.
Keep an Active Body and Mind
You can slow the physical and mental decline and enjoy your senior years. Staying physically active is key. Past the age of 60, exercise becomes more important than ever. A 30-minute walk each day can make a huge difference. It can keep the muscles and bones strong, reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke, and make it easier to stay active. An engaged mind will also be less likely to slow. Doing puzzles of any kind, playing trivia and memory games, and having hobbies that boost the brain such as painting or playing music can help improve memory and cognitive function. You can stay as sharp as ever with brain exercises.
See a Chiropractor
Regular chiropractic visits can be enormously helpful in aging well. A chiropractor can perform adjustments that can minimize pain in the back and joints. This can also improve flexibility and make it easier to stay active. Some patients find that they sleep better and good sleep will always improve health. There are also chiropractic clients who find that regular visits help them better manage stress and anxiety and stave off depression. The results of chiropractic treatment can improve mood and state of mind. A positive outlook makes life more enjoyable and you may be better able to embrace the upside to being an experienced member of society.
You're going to get old. That's a fact. But you don't have to fall apart. Keep your mind and body active and consider a visit to The Joint Chiropractic. You don't need an appointment. You may find that chiropractic care is the final piece to the puzzle of aging well.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Auburn, Calif.