Are You in High Gear Near Midnight?
By Tom Herrin
Do you ever wonder how you really fit in with the rest of the world? Do you look around and feel that you may somehow be less motivated than everyone else around you? It could be a few different things. It could be that you have developed a few bad habits that are a challenge to overcome. Or, it could be that you really are less motivated than others. Or, it could be that you have an internal clock that is set a little different from those around you, and it defines you. It is not necessarily bad as long as your productivity is not diminished because of it.
Night Lights Are Bright for Some
Those who do best with later hours are not as unusual as it may seem. Many people, for years, have been considered eccentric because they prefer to work a late schedule. As you may recall, many artistic types have been known for their nocturnal natures. It could be due to the type of demand for their work, but it could also be that their internal clocks are wound a little differently. Each of us has one of some kind, and it is called our circadian rhythm. This is what tells us when to be active and when to sleep. It is one of those things that can suffer if is disturbed abruptly. Let night people do nights, if possible.
The Sun Rules the Day and Day People
Most people who truly do best with a day schedule prefer to get up early. They often arise well before sunup and get a jump start. Many of these individuals seem to feel that they have lost much of their productive time if they start as late as mid-morning. It may be true as their internal clocks likely energize them early. They may be going strong from dawn until afternoon. Many of them also tend to run down well before dinner time. They may struggle to keep their eyes open much after that.
Keep an Open Mind
Each of us may do well to analyze our own particular needs. It is easy to judge those who live a somewhat opposite lifestyle to ours. In the case of our internal clocks, it may be best to truly seek career opportunities that fit our active periods. In many cases, trying to force change on anyone as far, as their personal schedules are concerned, can result in low productivity. Going with our strengths may be much better.
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