A Pet May Boost Your Health
By Tom Herrin
Many of us have pets or have had them in the past. For the most part, we may simply enjoy them. Those that greet us on a regular basis can do more for us than we may believe. Pets may be more than an extra animal around the house. For many people, they become more like a family member. In some situations, pets are much more than animals. Service animals have received lots of attention in recent years, and they are allowed to be more places. Even if we disagree with this on occasion, it is now a fact of life. Pets can certainly do quite a few things that either protect us or make us healthier.
Pets and Body Chemistry
The chemicals that our bodies produce or secrete are pretty important in our overall health. Some of these chemicals play a large part in determining whether we are up or down. It is believed that having a pet can help to reduce cortisol. This is the chemical that has to do with stress, and it is often called the stress hormone. Reducing the amount of it in our bodies can play a big role in relaxation. The other chemical that can be significant here is oxytocin. It is one that can help to make us feel good. Having a pet, and interacting with it, is thought to increase our level of this chemical.
Pets May Help Us Exercise
A lot of times, it is difficult to get out and exercise on our own. The necessity of taking a pet out for a walk can motivate us to walk more. As we enjoy the company of a pet, we are more likely to see that it gets to go outdoors more frequently. As we do this, we may soon find that we find the experience to be pleasant. These small walks can help add up to much bigger gains.
Pets Can Provide Companionship
Most of us need someone around, even if we are not very social. It gives us someone to have some responsibility for. It also provides someone to be waiting for us each day. Pets tend to be pretty forgiving and always eager to greet us. This can lift our spirit and give us more purpose. Particularly if you are alone much of the time, you may want to consider having a pet to help you to have better health.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Elk Grove, Calif.