How is Your Free Time for Exercising?
By Tom Herrin
When it comes to exercising, just about everyone is aware that they need more of it. Some manage to find the time and make it a priority. Others would like to as well, but by the time they get home from work, they are tired or have other things to do. Especially for those who work in jobs that involve a lot of sitting, working out can be a challenge. Those who sit most of the day often fail to get enough chance to move much. Exercising while sitting can make good use of time and situation. It can be pretty productive.
It May Help Strengthen the Hands
For those who don't do much physical work with their hands, a little exercise focused on them can help. A really simple one is to make a fist, maybe holding something or maybe not. They can squeeze tightly for five seconds or so and then release and spread the fingers wide. This can be repeated with each hand and done five or more times each. It doesn't take much to help strengthen the hands.
It May Be an Opportunity to Work the Core
People seem to have a lot of tricks to use to work their core. It is a popular topic today. Even though there are many kinds of suggestions for it, the fact is that it is a pretty simple process. The key is to isolate the muscles that are being targeted. An easy one while sitting is to sit up and grab hold of the desk. Using the core muscles for movement, turning from one side to another is considered to be one rep; 10 or 15 reps can be a reasonably good workout.
It May Provide a Good Break
When you get into a good routine for exercising while sitting, it can help to develop a few muscles. At the same time, it can help to stimulate the body. This means the blood will be flowing better and some of that midday sluggishness that hits all of us may be easier to deal with. Even the most sedentary of activities can help to wake you up with only a few minutes of work. I have had pretty good success with these types of workouts, usually getting much more out of it than I had originally thought. By being a little creative, there are all kinds of things you may be able to do to build your body.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Goleta, Calif.