If You Have These Symptoms, You May Be Iron Deficient
By Paul Rothbart
Iron is one of the essential trace minerals. It serves several purposes. One of the most important is its role in the production of hemoglobin, which is how the bloodstream carries oxygen to cells throughout the body. Without sufficient oxygen, you're going to be in trouble. Despite the importance of the mineral, the most common deficiency in the world is iron deficiency. Its symptoms are often not recognized and so it goes undiagnosed and untreated. Iron is far too important to your health to let this happen. Here are the symptoms of iron deficiency.
Pale Skin
Hemoglobin in the blood is also what gives healthy skin its color. An iron deficiency will therefore cause the skin to turn pale. It can happen in a particular area such as the face, lips, or eyes or the whole body may appear pale. This is generally a symptom of a moderate or severe iron deficiency and should not be ignored.
Constant fatigue is the most common of the iron deficiency symptoms. Without enough iron, there won't be enough hemoglobin to get oxygen to the cells. Muscle tissue and organs are unable to burn fuel for energy. You end up tired all the time. This is a symptom that is commonly misread as being due to overwork. It's better to see a doctor and find out for sure.
Being Short of Breath
Being short of breath after mild to moderate activity is a cause for concern. If the body's tissues are not getting enough oxygen, the heart and lungs will work harder trying to provide more. This is where shortness of breath comes in. You may find that you can't finish physical tasks. This is a symptom of iron deficiency and requires medical attention.
Being Dizzy
Low levels of iron commonly cause dizziness along with frequent headaches. These symptoms occur because of a lack of oxygen to the brain. They can be quite dangerous. The brain may be harmed or you could fall and be injured. Dizziness should always send you to a doctor.
With the heart working so much harder to make up for the lack of oxygen, you may experience palpitations. This can be a serious condition and if left unchecked could lead to an irregular heartbeat, heart murmurs, or tachycardia. Ultimately you could suffer an enlarged heart or heart failure. This symptom requires medical attention ASAP.
Iron is well known as an essential mineral and yet iron deficiency is common all over the globe. It's important to know these symptoms and don't take chances. If you are experiencing any of them, see your primary care physician and get tested. Iron supplements are widely available. There is no reason to be deficient.
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