Chiropractic Details First-Time Visitors Should Know
By Brandi Goodman
Visiting the chiropractor may be on your goal list this year, and for good reason. Just one visit can greatly improve a person's overall sense of well-being. For first-time visitors, however, going to the chiropractor can seem a little scary. The unknown can be daunting, but understanding just a few chiropractic details can make the first time going much easier to handle.
Prepare for Paperwork
No one walks into a chiropractor's office and is immediately taken into the back for an adjustment. There is paperwork to fill out and a consultation to be had that will give the doctor insight into precisely what you're looking to treat. The paperwork will include your basic contact information and ask for medical problems that could change the way the adjustment needs to be done.
A discussion will take place between the patient and the doctor of chiropractic. He needs to know the daily activities that could be contributing to any pain or tension and what a person's job duties entail. These details are highly important to the treatment plan and advice provided.
Time Frame
Though there is no set time frame that every single visit follows, the typical duration seems to fall under one hour or less, though it's usually 30 minutes or less for first-time visitors. Subsequent visits that do not require the same paperwork and discussion will take even less time. Some patients may even walk in and out of the clinic in 15 minutes. The appointment can take longer if you have questions or there are exercise options to be done at home that need to be demonstrated.
What to Wear
It is best to wear your most comfortable clothing to the chiropractor. However, you don't want clothes are too loose or bulky that can inhibit the process. An oversized sweatshirt, for example, would not suffice. Yoga pants and a T-shirt, or basic athletic wear, are the recommended style. It is also wise to leave the jewelry at home so nothing gets in the way, chokes, or pokes you as you're being adjusted.
The first visit to the chiropractor does not have to a daunting one. If patients take the time to learn about what they should expect when in the office and in the exam room, they will have an easier time seeing just how quick the visit will be. Chiropractic care should be on everyone's goal list for the year, so learn what a typical visit entails and take the plunge to get the care you need to improve your well-being.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Milpitas, Calif.