3 Reasons Why You Should Spend Some Time Alone
By Genevieve Cunningham
Sometimes we treat being alone like it's a bad thing. We think that people have to be constantly socializing, or at the very least, constantly open to the idea. While some people are definitely social butterflies, not everyone is up for that level of togetherness. And the good news is that this is perfectly OK! In fact, spending a little time along can even be healthy. If you ever feel guilty for needing a little space, take a look at these three really good reasons why alone time is necessary for long-term good health.
People are Exhausting
Let's face it: People are exhausting! The drama, the stress, the endless problems. It can be really tiring to constantly be around other people. It doesn't mean those people are bad, it just means that people in general need time to decompress without others. If you sometimes feel that overwhelming sensation that comes with constant access to people, try making time alone a weekly thing.
Your Mental Health Needs It
Good mental health is key to living a good and happy life. While there are a lot of ways to protect mental health -- seeing a professional, journaling, and prioritizing -- spending time alone can work wonders. It allows you to be completely yourself. It's a low stress situation that promotes a healthy brain and more stable moods. If you're trying to make good mental health a priority, it's definitely important to spend time all alone.
It Allows for Rest
Sometimes it's easiest to rest when you're completely alone. There aren't any distractions. There's only noise if you want there to be. And rest is good for mental health, physical health, and even your emotional well-being. If you have trouble resting, make sure that you're scheduling some time for complete relaxation. This small step can make a huge difference in your overall health and the way that you feel daily.
If you're spending all day every day alone, that's probably not healthy. But needing a little bit of time on your own is normal and completely healthy. Take the time you need. Get some time alone. Decompress and unwind on your own terms. Using alone time as a tool for better health can help you feel better in life every single day.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Porter Ranch, Calif.