Avoid Straining Your Body This Fall With a Few Tips
By Brandi Goodman
The fall season can bring some challenges. Frequent rain, colder weather, and lots of fall activities to participate in can lead to more potential for strain on the body. With some tips in mind, you can have a better chance of avoiding injury.
Start With Stretches
Physical activity such as raking the yard, picking up sticks, and even walking at a fall event can lead to back pain if the body isn't flexible enough to handle the task. Start with stretches before completing any sort of activity and you'll be more likely to make it through without pain. Stretching improves joint flexibility and range of motion.
Choose Your Footwear Wisely
The shoes you wear play a major role in injury prevention. If you're wearing the wrong ones you have more of a chance of developing aches in your lower body and potentially getting hurt because of it. Choose your footwear wisely and be sure you have on a pair of comfortable, well-fitting shoes for any physical activity you'll be doing outdoors, in particular.
Take a Break
When your body is feeling sore or you're starting to feel fatigued, take a break. Never push yourself past your limits or you'll be regretting it soon after. Your body needs to rest and recuperate between sessions. Take breaks, get some water, and stretch a bit more so your body is able to continue handling whatever task or activity it is you're doing.
Pay Attention to Your Posture
Walking slow and slouching, bending over at the waist as you attempt to pick something up, and sitting down and leaning onto something are all things you should avoid. Pay attention to your posture and the way your body is sitting, standing, and moving so you avoid hurting it. You don't want to end up sore or worse just because you didn't want to stand up straight or use the proper lifting technique.
Stay Dry
Carry an umbrella if you're going to be at an outdoor event when it rains. Be sure a wear a good pair of shoes that don't absorb water easily. It's also best to avoid being out in the rain for long, especially if you're going to be working in it. Staying dry can help to prevent unexpected falls. Don't step on wet leaves because there's a good chance you'll slip on them.
Avoid straining your body this fall with these tips in mind. You want to be able to enjoy the season without worry of hurting yourself or suffering an injury. It will put a damper on the beginning of your holiday seasons and make it difficult to enjoy the many festivities on the way.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Roseville, Calif.