How to Stay Fit During the Winter Slump
By Brandi Swieter
Many people experience a slump in the winter, often due to the holiday season setting in and the stresses of life already overwhelming the mind. Too many people allow this slump to let them lose sight of their fitness routines and get far out of shape. A far better option is to stay fit even during the winter slump, which can help make the period seem a bit more bearable.
Add Family Fit Days to the Schedule
It may be difficult to find time to add in fitness, but adding in some family fit days will help make it possible. Look at the holiday schedule and see when there may be even a few hours available in one day to get out and enjoy some fitness fun with the whole family. Skating at a rink, going for a hike to enjoy the fresh air, and even just getting out to enjoy a game of catch are all great ways to incorporate fitness into the routine.
Head to an Indoor Pool
Swimming is a fun way for many members of the family to stay fit. An indoor pool in the area may have space for adults to swim and a separate area for children to play. Utilize these facilities when possible to get in some fitness time and enjoy time with family as well. There may even be water aerobic classes to try for individuals who want this option to stay fit during the winter. If there is no local spot to swim, try a gym or YMCA and see what type of pool they may have available.
Join a Fitness Class
Whether choosing water aerobics or another fitness class, this option works well for those who want to get out of a slump. Joining a class and working out with others is a great way to forget the winter woes and start to see the good in things again. Pick a class that gets you up and having fun so it inspires you to come back time after time. Countless classes exist, so find one that fits your schedule and get going.
Fitness during the winter months may seem nearly impossible, but it can be done. The winter slump has many people sitting around binge watching TV and overeating holiday sweets. Choosing to stay fit instead and get outside to do something will help beat the season slump and get the body ready for the holidays.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Santee, Calif.