The Real Reasons You Should Set a Bedtime
By Genevieve Cunningham
Bedtimes. They’re for kids, right? Most people grow out of bedtimes at about the same time they grow out of footed pajamas. Once we hit the teen years, bedtimes are all but completely out of the picture. But what if there’s actually some value in a bedtime? What if, as adults, we have it all wrong? If you’re looking for a simple way to improve your health, take a look at these great reasons to set a bedtime and stick with it.
The Body Likes Routine
Our bodies just work better when they are on a regular routine. They have a natural rhythm, and when we don’t get enough rest or our sleep is erratic, that rhythm is thrown off. Setting a bedtime ensures that at least part of our day is in a routine. Often, the bedtime will help set up a better routine throughout the day as well. And the more you follow that bedtime, the more regular your body will become, which means the more efficiently it will work and the better you’ll feel.
More Sleep Keeps the Body Balanced
Adequate sleep helps to keep the body balanced. It boosts brain function and enhances the efficiency of the body. It can help to calm the nerves and manage stress levels. The more regular sleep that you get, the more even keeled you’re going to feel. If you want to avoid that off-kilter, out of sorts feeling, a bedtime can certainly get you pointed in the right direction.
Waking Up Early is Linked to Better Productivity and Moods
Setting a bedtime generally means getting enough sleep to wake up early in the morning. And like it or not, early birds have been linked to both better moods as well as higher productivity. Perhaps it’s because those who wake up early tend to get more sleep overall, but either way, the results are hard to deny. Setting a bedtime means waking up early and being more likely to succeed on a personal level every day.
Setting a bedtime may not sound fun, especially if you’re over the age of 10, but the effects are certainly worth it. Besides these reasons to set yourself a bedtime, it might just make you feel better! Set your alarm clock, get more sleep, and ease your way into better health in no time.
To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Van Nuys, Calif.