Is 'All Natural' Really the Best?
By Sara Butler
Most people want to find and buy the healthiest foods they can at the store. That probably means you’re looking at the health information included on the package. In your pursuit of good health at the grocery, you’ve probably noticed other labels on packages that claim the ingredients found within a particular package are “all natural,” but what does that really mean? It may not mean exactly what you think!
'All Natural" Defined
How the dictionary defines the term "all natural" and how the Food and Drug Administration defines it are two very different things. You may think that anything labeled all natural has ingredients that are healthier without added artificial ingredients. Turns out that that may or may not be true -- you have to dig just a little deeper.
The FDA doesn’t have an exact definition for natural foods. Its official position is that a food can use the term if it doesn’t have synthetics substances, artificial flavors, and added color. That may sound like a good start, but since there are no formal regulations of the term, it’s left up to the manufacturer to make sure it fulfills those standards. Foods that are labeled as all natural may contain some of the things consumers are trying to stay away from.
Shopping Tips
So how can you make sure you’re getting what you want out of the food you buy? There are a few tips you can utilize to ensure you’re getting more than you bargained for.
First and foremost, fresh produce is always going to be a good bet for foods that fall into the all-natural category. When you work your way into processed foods is where things tend to get a little murkier. Here are some tips to hang onto:
- For poultry, fish, and meat – Lean cuts that are minimally processed are a good bet, but it’s probably better to steer clear of processed meats such as sausage since they’re more likely to contain preservatives and flavorings.
- Dairy – Look for milk free of bovine growth hormone (BGH) if you want to stay all natural. Plain yogurt is also a good addition since anything with colorings or flavors added is probably not all natural.
- Prepackaged snacks – It’s difficult to find any kind of chips, crackers, cookies, or other snack food that is all natural. Even in the natural foods section, just because a food claims to be all natural doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Look at the other ingredients and decide if it’s worth it.
Eating all natural can be tricky, but it can be done if you know what to look for!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Woodland Hills, Calif.