Why Do You Snore?
By Sara Butler
A lot of people snore. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 40 percent of men snore and 24 percent of women saw a few logs when they're taking a visit to the land of Nod. The problem is that snoring, aside from being annoying to those trying to sleep around you, can be dangerous to your health. It can be a precursor to or a sign of a more serious condition called sleep apnea, where you actually stop breathing several times throughout the night.
Snoring is also bad for your vessels, as those who snore may be at an increased risk for stroke even if sleep apnea isn't involved. So, why do people snore? Here are some of the reasons you may snore that can help you to understand what may be triggering your snoring so that a solution can be found.
It Runs in the Family
If your mom or dad snores, then there's a good chance that you will snore too -- if you don't already. It tends to run in families for a variety of reasons, from how wide your tongue is to how small your jaw may be. Also, some conditions such as nasal polyps or a deviated septum as well as large tonsils can make you more apt to snore.
It should come as no surprise that when you're feeling stuffed up due to illness or allergies that you're more likely to snore. That's because the mucous membranes in the inside of your nose can swell, limiting the room in the nasal cavity and triggering snoring.
Being Really Tired
If you're burning the candle at both ends and are simply exhausted, then there's a higher chance you will snore. Fatigue has a big impact on muscle tone, including the muscle tone in your throat. That makes the tissues in your throat more floppy and more prone to the vibration that can cause snoring.
Being Pregnant
Pregnant people have high levels of progesterone, which helps the fetus develop like it should but also causes you to snore more at night. That's because the membranes in the throat and nose swell or you're congested, which can increase the chance that you snore at night.
Snoring doesn't always mean that something is really wrong, but it is important to understand why you may be snoring and get help if needed.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Woodland Hills, Calif.