Foods that Can Cause an Upset Stomach
By Sara Butler
If you suffer from heartburn regularly, have acid reflux, or simply notice stomach cramps strike you at the drop of a hat, what you're eating may be to blame. Some foods that may seem innocent enough are actually stopping your digestive system from working as it should. Here are a few of these foods that you may want to consider limiting in your diet to help improve your stomach health.
Carbonated Drinks
People know that soda is bad for you, but what about flavored seltzer water? Seltzer water is all the rage these days because it has zero calories and sugar, but that carbonation may be worse for your stomach than you think. Some studies have found that carbonated beverages can cause acid reflux and the bubbles in these beverages can lead to bloating and discomfort.
Soy Sauce
If you love sushi or stir-fry, then you probably love soy sauce too. The problem is that soy sauce is high in advanced glycation end products -- also called AGEs. These AGEs can hurt your stomach because they increase the permeability of your intestinal lining, something you may have heard referred to as leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut can lead to a variety of conditions such as food allergies, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. If you tend to have stomach discomfort after having sushi, then try skipping the soy sauce and see how you feel.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
High fructose corn syrup does not have a lot of fans in the world of nutrition for a good reason. It's been linked to many issues such as weight gain, skin problems, and upset stomach. The problem is that it's in a lot of foods -- many of which you may have no idea if you don't read the ingredients list. You should always read food labels and make it a general rule to steer clear of anything with high fructose corn syrup. Your stomach will thank you.
Green Bananas
It's worth it to take the time to let your bananas go yellow before you munch on them. Green bananas can slow down your digestive system, making for some uncomfortable side effects. If you notice some stomach upset after eating green bananas, then stick them in a paper bag to help them ripen faster and wait for those suckers to turn yellow!
Foods can be good for your stomach but they can be bad too. Think about how certain foods impact how you feel and steer clear from any that trigger an unwanted response!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Arvada, Colo.