Your Desk Job is Hurting Your Back
By Sara Butler
It's time to face the facts: Computers have made life easier in a lot of ways except for one very important one, the stress and strain placed on your body. You may think that sitting at a desk all day isn't much work, but the truth is that sitting for hours at your desk typing on your keyboard and clicking on your mouse is not easy on your body. Here are a few tips from the chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic to help you avoid back pain when you're sitting at your desk all day.
Just the Facts
You spent a lot of money on a proper work chair in order to avoid back pain, so that means you're golden -- right? Not so fast.
Back pain caused by computer use is common and no matter how great the chair or how ergonomic your keyboard and mouse, sitting all day is going to have a negative impact on your back. It's simply physics. Sitting for several hours places a lot of stress and strain on the structures that make up your spine and support it.
If you really want to try to beat back pain at its own game, then do an ergonomic assessment of your work space. Are you able to sit with your elbows at a 90-degree angle? Do you have to lean toward your screen or look down to work on it? Talk to the chiropractors at The Joint about how your office should be set up and then make changes that can help.
Why Is It So Hard?
The biggest reason people seem to struggle with back pain while working at a desk is that they simply don't take enough breaks during the day. If you only stop for lunch or for restroom breaks, you're not doing enough. You should take a small break at least once every hour to prevent stress, strain, and tension from building up by sitting in one position too long. If you're not taking frequent breaks, then there's no time like the present to start!
Prevention is Key
Regular visits to the chiropractors at The Joint can help to address any issues you may have with joint restrictions or dysfunction due to the amount of sitting you do at work. But between visits you should make sure your desk is set up right with the computer screen at eye level, the keyboard and mouse within comfortable reach, and your chair supporting your body in all the places it needs it.
You may not be able to avoid back pain at your desk job totally, but you can make a difference by simply being aware of how your work setup can impact your health. If you have questions, don't hesitate to consult the chiropractors at The Joint today!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Aurora, Colo.