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Starting a New Exercise Regimen Safely

By Rachel Shouse

Creating a new workout routine can feel complicated. You may have tried quite a few types of exercises and routines, but felt less than intrigued by any of them. This happens a lot so don't feel bad. How many tries did it take for Thomas Edison to finally build a working prototype of the incandescent electric lightbulb? A thousand times. He didn't say he failed 1,000 times. He says it meant that building that one prototype had 1,000 steps. It's unlikely to take you that many times to get a routine down. All you need is a little know-how and the motivation to reach your goals.

Start Your New Workout Routine Safely

Whilst you may be super ready to start this new lifestyle, it's important that you take your current fitness level into account. Doing too much too fast could easily lead to injury. I like to walk in the spring, but if I walk too fast my feet start to hurt. Sometimes they hurt for days. Learn from my mistake. This not only hindered my ability to continue walking, but it also discouraged me. 

In order to keep that from happening to you, think about trying calisthenics-type workouts. This includes sit-ups, push-ups, burpees, planks, squats, leg raises, and more. These are simple types of workouts to use when building a new routine. They also require no equipment and some can be done indoors.

Pre-Workout Foods

There are so many healthy and yummy pre-workout foods that you definitely need to give a try. Not only do they help you during your workout, but they also help once your workout is done and your body needs nutrients to recover.

Bananas are full of potassium and carbs. The potassium helps muscle and nerve function, while the carbs fuel your brain and your body. Did you know that 90 percent of the calories in bananas come from excellent energy providing carbohydrates.

Greek yogurt with fruit is another excellent option. Greek yogurt has fewer carbs and half the sodium compared to normal yogurt. It also is packed with protein which will help you stay full and prevent mid-workout hunger. Also, the fruit provides a healthy sugar boost that keeps you going during your workout.

Trail mix is both delicious and full of healthy fats and proteins. It's important that you avoid the types with sweets and candy in them. Check the back of the bags and compare them to other types you think look good. This isn't a good option for those looking to lose weight, at least not on a daily basis. 

Be sure to build your new routine around your goals. Don't look at others and play the comparison game. Weight loss, toning, and strength training are different goals you may have. Each of those has certain workouts you can do, so being aware of what you really want is key.

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Boulder, Colo.

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