Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis: Can It Help?
By Genevieve Cunningham
You've probably heard of scoliosis. If you're of a certain age, you might remember the scoliosis check in school. You head down to the nurse's office, face the wall, and bend forward so that the nurse can check the shape and curvature of your spine. But for most kids, scoliosis is caught by a medical professional in an office setting. Unless you've dealt with this condition personally, you may not really understand it. Is it a problem? Is it painful? Can it be corrected? To better understand scoliosis and the long-term management of it, take a look at this quick information guide.
What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is the sideways curvature of the spine. Though it can happen at various times throughout life, it most often happens during puberty -- when the body hits a big growth spurt. In mild cases, the condition may be hardly noticeable. In more severe cases, it can cause pain or even trouble breathing. Someone who suffers from scoliosis may also notice uneven shoulders or a hip that appears higher than the other.
How Is It Treated?
In very severe cases, scoliosis may require surgery to correct. In milder cases, a simple brace is needed to correct the curvature and gently coerce the spine into a healthier and more comfortable position. The brace is usually used long-term, and though some find it embarrassing, it generally causes very few disruptions in everyday life.
Is There a Cure?
Sometimes scoliosis can be cured. The bracing method or surgery is meant to completely correct the curvature and cure the patient of the condition and its symptoms. Even if the condition can't be completely cured, treatments usually lessen the severity of the condition and lead to a greater quality of life.
How Can Chiropractic Care Help?
Chiropractic care has been used in many instances of scoliosis. Through regular treatments, the angle of the spine may be altered and the pain may become less severe. This is a very gentle way to treat scoliosis, and it often works well for milder cases. If you have questions, just check out the local chiropractor and ask the questions you need to feel comfortable with your treatment.
If you would like to add chiropractic care to your life, check out The Joint Chiropractic. At The Joint, getting care is easier than ever before. Just use their walk-in visits and affordable pricing to get the care you need without the extra stress. Scoliosis can significantly impact your life! Get moving toward better health in your life beginning with a quick stop at The Joint Chiropractic today.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Colorado Springs, Colo.