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Fixing the Potholes in Your Health

By Donna Stark

Do you treat your body the same way your town treats those annoying potholes that always seem to pop up during this time of year? You know what I mean. After ignoring the problem until enough people complain, the road crew will finally head out, take a look at it, and patch it up as fast as they can so the flow of traffic is disrupted as little as possible ... and so that life can continue on as if nothing had happened. Although it is easy to see the reasoning for that quick fix (less stress for commuters and an inexpensive solution for the town), it certainly doesn't make sense to take that approach with your health.

Quick Fixes Don't Work for Optimal Health

If you are looking for lifelong optimal health, you need to create lifelong healthy habits. Fixing the "potholes" in your overall wellness requires more than a quick, afternoon patch-up. It takes time and plenty of effort to keep your good health flowing. Want to know what these lifelong habits should be? Take a look.

  • Daily exercise - Consistent exercise is a necessity if you want a strong and healthy body. Experts recommend getting at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day to maintain a healthy fitness level and to reduce the risk of serious medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
  • Nutritious diet - The easiest way to focus on a whole, natural diet is to think in terms of the ingredients found in the foods you consume. In other words, choose more fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and heart-healthy fats over processed foods that are packed full of ingredients you have never heard of and sound like they are straight out of a chemistry textbook.
  • Sleep - Don't deprive your body of sleep! Your body needs that time to rest, recover, and regenerate, so make sure you are getting the recommended amount each and every night. Establish a consistent bedtime routine, make sure your bedroom is conducive to quality rest, and turn off all electronic devices for quality sleep!
  • Stress - Just because it seems to be a normal part of life, that doesn't mean you should welcome stress into your home with open arms! It's important to find something outside of your home and work in which you can unload some of what you are carrying around. Whether it's a friend to talk to or a hobby to stay busy with, managing your stress is vital if you want to live a long, healthy life!

Fixing Your Potholes

It's time to fix all of those potholes once and for all, so start thinking about how you can establish new, lifelong healthy habits today! It's critical to your future well-being and it's the only way to keep that good health flowing.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Lakewood, Colo.

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