There Are Easy Options for Exercise
By Tom Herrin
Getting in better shape by exercising is not all that people may dread. When they feel the need to do so, they often imagine hard work and exhaustion. While that is the case for some, it doesn't always have to be that way. The benefits of exercise may be had for only a minimal effort. In order to gain real progress, it needs to be something that is regularly incorporated into someone's everyday routine. This can make it seem easier and less physically stressful. The point is to get up and move. Movement is what it is all about, and when people limit their movement, they limit their ability to get the most out of life.
Get Up and Move
There are so many jobs in which people sit for most of the day that they tend to deteriorate. Years ago, there were many books and movies about how people would do less and less physical activity and risk losing their abilities in the process. The song, "In the Year 2525," was a classic scenario of what people might lose if they continued to rely on modern technology. It may not have been that far off base. In it, people would lose many of their abilities and destroy themselves doing so. No matter what the age, it is important to get up and move around. Finding purpose in movement can be a help. In other words, rather than send someone else to the refrigerator, it is better to get up and go yourself.
Take the Stairs Instead of the Elevator
While it may sound like a waste of valuable time, if there are only a few flights of stairs to take, walking up and down two or three sets every day means that much more regular exercise. In one study, young people who were healthy but sedentary were asked to climb three sets of stairs for three days per week for six weeks. They did proper a warm-up and cooldown and walked at a reasonably brisk pace. As a result, their cardio fitness improved 5 percent and their power as shown in a cycling test had improved 12 percent.
Doing Little Things Can Improve Health
It is so easy to fall into a habit of being sedentary that most of us have to make a conscious effort to be active. I try to find ways to take a few extra steps when I can. Walking up those stairs is a help. Walking rather than driving to anywhere can yield good results. I always try to find some way to go just a few additional steps. It feels much better when I do, and it seems that I am increasingly able to do more as a result.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Lone Tree, Colo.