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A Few Tips for Easing Inflammatory Back Pain Issues

By Stephen R. Farris

Dealing with inflammatory back pain (IBP) can be an excruciating ordeal for the majority of us. Usually your physician may prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug to give you relief, however, you may want to pay your local chiropractor a visit to see what they suggest without the use of pain medication.

IBP can get to the point where you're unable to perform daily routines. Worse case scenario, you can't function on the job like you have in the past and that can lead to other problems too, such as extended sick leave to possibly losing your job due to the inability to perform at the required levels you were originally hired to do.

But here are a few tips that may help aid in the relief of IBP. Just make sure you talk with your chiropractor to see if they can work for you. They may offer additional exercise suggestions as well.

Keep Active

IBP can oftentimes make you feel like not doing anything. Sometimes we feel lying down or trying to sit comfortably is the best way to get relief. But inactivity can also lead to other health problems too. You may want to try some stretching exercises to loosen up tight muscles, so that you are able to move a little more freely without as much pain. Maintaining good posture is essential for IBP sufferers, so concentrate on stretching exercises that help keep your back straight as much as possible.

Breathe Deeply

Another target area that helps is to do deep breathing exercises, so you can keep and maintain the health of your lungs. It can help reduce inflammation in your rib cage and is another good exercise for maintaining good posture.

Practice Proper Lifting

We all lift something in our daily lives, however, there's a right way and a wrong way in doing so. Make sure you are aligned properly in front of the object you're attempting to lift. Keep your back straight and lift with your legs. Trying to lift at an angle can put undue stress on your back and could cause your IBP to worsen.

Practice Safety at Home

The last thing you want to do if you have IBP is to trip and fall at home, or anywhere for that matter. There are ways to make your home safer to avoid tripping accidents, such as using slip-proof rugs in hallways and bathrooms. Keep rooms cleaner and for the shower or bathtub, they make mats with suction cups on the bottom to prevent movement and provide you with better footing while taking a shower or bath, and when getting out.  

To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Brandon, Fla.

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